
Vmajor是一个定位高端强调品质的原创设计师高级成衣品牌,坚持精选和同法国,意大利的优质面料商开发面料,强调多元自由的设计理念,并且在质地,工艺和细节上永远有自己的要求和想法。创立3年至今系列已上架东京伊势丹等国内外30多家零售点并屡次登上VOGUE, BAZAAR, ELLE,周末画报等国际和国内主流时尚媒体。自创立品牌伊始,设计师Victor就有着明确的品牌规划与发展方向—做中国的原创设计品牌,为中国年轻人的时尚需求而发声,他立足于当代女性在社会中逐渐变化的定位与形象,通过具有建筑感的干练廓形结合淡雅的配色和细腻的结构剪裁,希望传达出女性强势而又温婉的“柔韧”力量。

Vmajor was founded by designer Victor Zhu in 2013 when graduated from London College of Fashion. After work at Vivienne Westwood, Victor eventually returned to Shenzhen, China’s manufactory capital where under the name Vmajor, a moniker borrowing from Victor’s name and a key in classical music.Combining creativity and commercialism, Vmajor pursue a more open-minded design philosophy that draws on their cultural origins while building international appeal with a mix of beauty, confidence and modern chic.