
Reineren 是本土新兴设计师品牌,法语为女王的意思,体现女人高雅尊贵的气质。其设计风格优雅而前卫,多采用欧洲时尚元素。以天然而独特的面料材质、内敛简约的线条、干练的男装剪裁以及精致完美的细节来诠释当代年轻女性的自信、独立、妩媚且干练的个性,使刚柔并济得到充分展现。

Reine has the meaning of queen in French, mainly reflecting the elegant and noble character of the female. As an emerging designer brand in the country, Reineren’s designing style is delicate and pioneering, with focus on the originality of clothes design. It skillfully mixes unisex element and modern simple design to create a style that is classic and suitable for independent females. It hopes to convey its ideas on the society through each season’s works, to reflect the confident and elegant female living in nowadays and their longing and pursuit of freedom and independence.