AICHOC是日本高级女装集合品牌, 品牌集成了多个国际知名奢侈品牌Tomorrowland、DES PRES、KNOTT、GALERIE VIE等,在日本拥有40年的品牌历史和100余家高级门店。AICHOC将精妙的产品细节和对面料高品质追求,采用国际一线奢侈品进口面料———天然面料羊绒、真丝、麻等。AICHOC对简约的深入理解,让女性更能完美呈现出优雅、精致气质。

AICHOC is a collection brand of Japanese haute couture. The brand has integrated a number of internationally renowned luxury brands such as TOMORROWLAND, DES PRES, KNOTT, GALERIE VIE, etc., which has a brand history of 40 years in Japan and over 100 high-level stores.AICHOC will use exquisite product details and the pursuit of high-quality fabrics, using international first-line luxury imported fabrics - natural fabrics cashmere, silk, linen, etc. AICHOC's deep understanding of simplicity makes women more elegant and delicate.