Kashmir Soul

Kashmir Soul 由克什米尔地区的阿比德·潘祖先生(Abid Panzoo)创立,他的家族一直专注于高档手工披肩和波斯地毯。 品牌的产品融合了时尚和时尚,充满艺术魅力和深度,以纯天然材料和纯手工工艺创造无与伦比的舒适和完美的风格,为追求精致生活的人们带来独特的奇迹。

Kashmir Soul is founded by Mr. Abid Panzoo from Kashmir area, whose family has been focusing on carrying down premium handmade shawls and Persian carpets. Products of the brand fuse classiness and fashion, full of artistic charm and profoundness, and create unparalleled comfort and perfect style by pure natural materials and pure hand-made technique, bringing unique wonders for people who pursue exquisite life.