LIBAI 里白创立于2016年春天。设计师里白颠覆传统“设计师品牌”过于单一的价值取向,打造出一个符合当下女性日益“身份多元化”品牌。LIBAI 里白的设计语言是现代、趣味、聪颖而又低调的。将设计的重点放在富有趣味的细节,以及出人意表,却又浑然天成的面料应用上,让时装重归理性。用简约易懂的设计语汇,重构人与服装的自然亲近。实现墨子所提倡导的“兼爱非攻”式的理想。

Established in 2016, Li Bai is a reflection on the limitation put on fashion by “style”. It weakens the importance of a uniform style for a brand and goes back to the essence of fashion: make clothes fit people. It combines a diverse of modern design elements into high quality textiles. Li Bai objects to the notion of kidnapping the consumers with a uniform value and liberates clothes from meaning. By using simple and intuitive design language, Li Bai reconstructs the natural intimacy that is supposed to exist between human beings and clothes.