To provide Maximum comfort For busy people




COZY STEPS was born in sunny California, initially we produced a slightly more formal sheepskin boots from local residence to wear to work, without losing too much comfort. Bridging the gap between comfort and beauty. We follow a philosophy of design we describe as Smart Comfort 

system, which means we have to be comfortable but without losing the visual beauty of wearer.



COZY STEPS 始于阳光明媚的加州,品牌最开始纯粹为了当地居民能够舒适的去上班而制作了一款较为正式的羊皮靴, 弥合舒适感跟美学之间的差距。 COZY STEPS 一直遵循着我们推祟的哲学与设计理念 - “Smart Comfort”,意即必然的舒适感,却不会失去美感。