CY RENDIPITY,是CY与Serendipity的组合,CY是品牌创始人CAO YANG姓名的首写字母,同时CY在英文中的发音是/sai/,所以SERENDIPITY也是CY RENDIPITY。


Serendipity是一个很浪漫的单词,中文的直译是碰巧发现(有趣或有价值的事物),寄托着品牌创始人对CY RENDIPITY是意外之喜的期待。


That was CY RENDIPITY ,是意外之喜欢,是惊奇之遇见。


CYRENDIPITY 定位轻奢礼服成衣,满足多种重要场合穿着。设计风格以高级感朋克美学为基调,立体裁剪描绘女性曲线,适量加入金属元素做为点缀书写女性力量,呈现了女性的性感与自立自强的朋克精神。




CY RENDIPITY is a variant of  Serendipity. Besides, CY is the first letter of Cao Yang, the founder of the brand.Therefore, CY RENDIPITY is Serendipity 


Serendipity is a romantic word, what it means is that when interesting or valuable discoveries are made by accident . Consequently it carries the expectations of the founder what 

CY RENDIPITY is romantic encounter and unexpected attraction.




CY RENDIPITY is positioned as a light luxury full dress and ready-to-wear to meet a variety of important occasions for female, like conference, appointment, birthday party, engagement party, etc.The style of the brand is based on an advanced punk aesthetic. Besides, designer uses three-dimensional tailoring to depict women’s curves, and incorporates metal elements into garments to express feminine power in order to present the punk spirit of female’s charm and independence.