Ooppss-C 是少女的反叛与浪漫主义的结合。犹如一个不按常理出牌的古怪少女,乖张又叛逆,又带着一点天马行空,乌托邦式的幻想。注重前卫而个性的自我态度表达,甜起来纯真浪漫,酷起来无所畏惧!

产品风格: 色彩简洁干净,廓形以大结构设计为基础,加入一些少女感的元素来进行解构重组,用局部细节的夸张突出产品设计感,注重大底的形状变化。



Ooppss-C is a combination of girlish rebellion and romanticism. She is like a weird girl who doesn't play by the rules, perverse and rebellious, with a little bit of unbridled and utopian fantasy. Focus on avant-garde and individual self-attitude expression, sweet and innocent and romantic, cool and fearless!

Product style: The colors are simple and clean, the silhouette is based on the large structural design, and some girly elements are added for deconstruction and reorganization. The exaggeration of local details is used to highlight the product design, and the shape change of the outsole is emphasized.

The visual style focuses on avant-garde and romantic stylized expression. Playful and lively colors create a unique, sweet and unique feeling. In this era of constant creativity, we pursue more optimistic self-expression.