And orturm 中文名字是秋,这是一个诞生于秋天的品牌,第一个系列的产品也开始于秋季,所有的一切都与秋相关,四季轮转春生夏长秋收冬藏,设计师认为秋天是最能代表东方女性的一个季节。设计师以东方女性的视角出发,运用西方的剪裁高级的面料素材和精致工艺,融合东方美学以及现代东方女性的生活方式,用浪漫的时装语言来演绎现代东方女性独立温柔内敛的气质。



And Orturm: Where Autumnal Hues Meet Modern Grace

And Orturm, a brand born amidst the crisp air and vibrant foliage of autumn, celebrates the multifaceted spirit of the oriental woman. Its designs are an ode to the unique blend of independence, strength, and quietude that defines these women, using fashion as a canvas to paint their multifaceted stories.