GGI诞生于2022年 是新生的街头潮流品牌命名为GGI意为一眼心动(GLIMPSE GRID)所谓的一眼心动是指在街头文化中那些命人心动的瞬间无论是滑板跑酷还是街头篮球街舞都是街头潮人自我表达的标签或是手段而正是因为他们对自我表达的不断追求和热爱才会吸引更多年轻人在观看街头运动的同时-眼爱上街头文化。



GGI was born in 2022 and is a newly emerging street trend brand named GGI, which means' heart at a glance (GLIMPSE GRID) The so-called 'heart at a glance' refers to the breathtaking moments in street culture, whether it's skateboarding, parkour, street basketball, or street dance, which are labels or means of self-expression for street trendsetters. It is precisely because of their constant pursuit and love for self-expression that more young people are attracted to watch street sports while falling in love with street culture.