PHIMO是由留美建筑空间设计师Eileen PEI 于2020年创立的小众艺术配饰品牌。PHIMO - 音译英文 Feel More, 源于建筑大师密斯.凡德罗 - LESS IS MORE,少即多。PHIMO 灵感源于自然,文化,建筑,将建筑的线条感,空间感,结构感融入配饰设计,现代与古典融合,亦摩登亦复古,可清冷可浓烈。PHIMO希望用简约留白的设计,传达给女性更多感知,探索,表达自我的力量。


PHIMO is an art accessories brand founded in 2020 by Eileen PEI, a spatial designer studied in the United States. PHIMO - English transliteration of Feel More, derived from architect Mies van der Rohe - LESS IS MORE. PHIMO is inspired by nature, culture, and architecture. It integrates the sense of line, space, and structure of architecture into accessories design. PHIMO is aspired to empower female to perceive, explore and express themselves through simple design language.