AGATHA Paris瑷嘉莎诞生于1974年的法国巴黎,由设计师Michel Quiniou创立,近50年一直传承法国基因,让女性尽享法式浪漫与生活乐趣。1988年诞生的Scottie小狗系列,由创始人宠物苏格兰爹利犬为灵感设计,一经推出,风靡全球至今。品牌隶属于欧洲大众轻奢珠宝集团领导者THOM GROUP,集团拥有从产品开发到门店管理360度全方位专业的品牌运营和高增长表现,遍布全球,目前4200多家门店。


AGATHA was founded by Michel Quiniou in Paris, France. In 1974, he launched his fashion jewelry with an unusual goal in mind: to transform cheap into chic. AGATHA grew rapidly and enchanted its fans with chic designs. In 1988, the famous Scottie dog was unveiled in AGATHA’s blue boutiques, frolicking through all the AGATHA collections and setting on as the brand’s mascot. During the last 50 years, AGATHA rapidly developed in France and overseas market reaching hundreds of stores in many countries.

AGATHA is part of THOM GROUP. THOM is the leader in affordable jewelry throughout Europe with a 360° expertise from product offering to store concepts and a fast growing and well performing Group with more than 4200 stores worldwide.