SHETELLS 创立于 2016 年,总部位于深圳,是一家集时尚服饰及生活方式、产品设计、制造、物流、营销为一体的全业务链时装企业。

SHETELLS 是一个追求极致品质和艺术平衡的轻奢设计师品牌,始终坚持原创设计,在风格探索上结合东西方的创意文化概念,以高品质面料、重工艺、高辨识度的设计元素,呈现极具艺术感的服饰,通过每服装语言鼓励每一位女性消费者“做自己”。


SHETELLS was founded in 2016 and based in SHENZHEN. Is a collection of fashion clothing and lifestyle, product design, manufacturing, logistics, marketing as one of the full business chain fashion enterprises.SHETELLS is a light luxury designer brand that pursues the ultimate quality and artistic balance, always adheres to original design, and combines the creative cultural concepts of Eastern and Western in style exploration.The brand presents highly artistic clothing with high-quality fabrics, heavy craftsmanship, and high recognition design elements, encouraging every woman to consume and "be themselves" through clothing.