《LANNERTERN》名为LANNER鹰隼与LANTERN灯的结合。  取自“鹰隼试翼,风尘翕张”,以心理学和哲学注入每一个系列的灵魂,达到衣与思想的统一。

品牌SLOGAN:Let’s roll,aroma girl.即是对所有LANNERTERN穿着的祝福:香水小姐,好运连连!.  

2019SS发布11‘S概念系列,香水衬衫第一代诞生,名为《重要他人》,2022年春季将11‘s系列中的香水衬 衫及其他经典款衬衫统合成为完整的香水衬衫系列,减去其余的单品,并以此确立品牌衬衫单品的核心。


香水衬衫,即是从扣子处散发着香味的衬衫,把香水用特殊工艺制作为扣子,使其拥有持久的芳香,在五感中,服装是视觉与触觉的体现,而气味则为服装增加了新触点。我们采用来自瑞士的奇华顿香氛 结合每个人的体香,赋予了衬衫与人之间的互动,形成特有的只属于你的气味. 

设计师语:对于女性的美我一直探索在静态的时空里,她们阅读,她们静坐,她们思考,她们欣赏. 这一切形式于我的脑海里是远处朦胧的,她是女性神秘的背面,是优雅体态,是纤细的举止,亦不喧嚣不张扬静止如水般幽香。    

顾展开对女性背部的探索,结构的体现,如水般的曲度,如娇花,如瀑布。以及形态探索,高挑修长,步态轻盈,直率却优雅 。

Brand Introduction:




The title of 'LANNER TERN' is the combination of LANNER falcon and LANTERN lamp. Derived from the phrase 'Eagle and Falcon Test Wings, Wind and Dust Spread', it infuses the soul of each series with psychology and philosophy, achieving the unity of clothing and thought.


Brand SLOGAN: Let's roll, aroma girl. It is a blessing for all LANNERTERRN to wear: Miss perfume, good luck


2019SS released the 11 'S concept series, and the first generation of perfume shirts was born, called "Important Others". In the spring of 2022, perfume shirts and other classic shirts in the 11's series will be integrated into a complete perfume shirt series, minus the rest of the items, and thus establish the core of the brand shirt items.


Perfume refers to your temperament, which comes from your soul and thoughts. We hope you dress up in style and go out. We hope your soul carries a light fragrance with you, and the fragrance does not strike people, but permeates their hearts.


Perfume shirt is a shirt that emits fragrance from the buttons. perfume is made into buttons with special techniques to make it have a lasting fragrance. Among the five senses, clothing is the embodiment of vision and touch, and smell adds new touch points to clothing. We use Chihuarton fragrances from Switzerland, combined with everyone's body fragrance, to give the shirt an interaction with each other, forming a unique scent that belongs only to you


Designer's language: I have been exploring the beauty of women in static time and space, where they read, sit still, think, and appreciate All these forms in my mind are hazy in the distance. She is the mysterious back of a woman, with an elegant posture, delicate demeanor, and not noisy or publicized, still like the fragrance of water.


Gu unfolds his exploration of the female back, reflecting its structure with curves like water, delicate flowers, and waterfalls. And form exploration, tall and slender, with a light gait, straightforward yet elegant.