The brand has stayed true to its original vision: sophisticated femininity, a passion for detail and a love of color and print. By Malina has always stayed true to the strong DNA that defines them, making every woman feel special and unique in her garment.

BY MALINA最初的愿景为:体现精致女性气质、对细节的把控以及充满色彩和对印花的热爱。BY MALINA 一直忠于表现自己的 DNA,让每位女性都觉得所穿的服装是与众不同的。




SENADA was founded by Chanita Preechawitayakul in Thailand. She has always had the love and appreciation for vintage clothes and thus has them as collectibles. From this passion and appreciation grows the brand that is full of sophistication, femininity, as well as novelty. 

SENADA 由泰国设计师 Chanita Preechawitayakul 创立。她一直欣赏及热爱收藏复古的服饰。因此,从这种热情和欣赏中,发展出充满精致女性气质和新颖性的品牌。





ZOELLE, found by Zoe Chen, from Taiwan, the former principal designer at Issey Miyake, she explores a world of fantasy where reality and virtual figments inextricably intertwine, and imagination runs free. Zoelle is a womenswear brand that delivers impactful aesthetics and flattering silhouettes through maximalist graphics, inventive construction, advanced fabrication and artisanal experience. 
ZOELLE 由来自中国台湾 Zoe Chen 创立,三宅一生的前首席设计师。Zoe探索了一个幻想世界,在这个世界里,自由奔放的想象力,现实与虚拟的事物密不可分地交织一起。品牌通过极繁主义的图形、创新的结构、高级的制作和工艺经验,传达具有冲击感的美学和迷人轮廓。




Based in Seoul, South Korea, the core philosophy of MAISON NICA revolves around providing fashion that reconnects with nature. We aim to express true beauty through designs that harmonize with nature. Additionally, MAISON NICA seeks to present new perspectives and viewpoints, fostering fresh awareness about familiar concepts among many individuals.

MAISON NICA 来自韩国首尔,品牌的核心理念为时尚与自然的重新连结,透过自然和谐的设计来表达真正的美。此外,MAISON NICA致力于提出新的思维与观点,让更多人在既有的概念里又多了新认知。





SALCE 197 bags feature contemporary style, clean lines and quality trim: tailored hand stitching and a galvanic mirror finish. Great care is taken in the choice of raw materials, all exclusively from Italian tanneries, and in production, entrusted to Italian master craftsmen.

SALCE 197包袋采用现代风格、简洁的线条以及手工定制的缝线和电镀镜面抛光。品牌对原材料的选择非常谨慎,皆来自意大利的皮革厂及都是经由意大利工匠大师生产制作。