BLACK TOMATO 是2020年于意大利西西里成立的,字面意思为“黑番茄”,它代表了一种稀缺的品质,“黑番茄”涵盖了酷和可爱两种特质,用设计表现了人的两种对立性格,矛盾而又自我。设计师以对时尚的理解,材料的认知,对手工艺细节的掌握,归纳为一种ACCESSIBLE LUXURY的态度。


BLACK TOMATO was found in Sicily of Italy in 2020, the brand name "BLACK TOMATO" represent a rare quality, which is a balance of being cool and funny. It represents the two opposite personalities of human, controversial and independent. The designer combined the understanding of fashion, the knowledge of material, the knowhow of craftmanship, to conclude as an attitude of accessible luxury.