Ma By Masha Ma / MA BY MA

MA BY MA STUDIO 是MASHAMA 中国年轻化的展现。在设计上保留了MASHA MA建筑感的廓形和利落的剪裁,加入了MA BY MA STUDIO特有的丰富的颜色层次感和简约流畅的线条,标志性的涂鸦印花为专属的MA Girls塑造了更年轻有活力的独特风格。

MA BY MA STUDIO is a juvenile version of MASHA MA. While inheriting the architectural shapes and clean cuts typical of MASHA MA, MA BY MA STUDIO has its own salient features, such as the rich layered color, simple and flowing lines and iconic graffiti painting, which highlight the vigor and beauty of youth of MA Girls.