ZIVGREY, an independent designer fashion accessory brand, founded by designers Ziv and George in 2015.
Every piece of ZIVGREY comes from a wonderful collision of inspiration and aesthetics. To capture the gloriously miracle of life forms from nature, the visual impact of geometric sense from modern cities, and the deepest touch from the artistic creation, ZIVGREY, with the help of a team of creative designers, transforming the fleeting beauty to an eternal shape, just to share with you who enjoy your life and love.
Our jewelry is made of natural treasures such as silver, K gold, pearls, feathers, gems, etc., with excellent quality and comfortable skin-friendly wearing experience.
When the magnificent treasures meet modern fashion, when the jewelry meets the person who let it bloom shining, everything has a new meaning.
ZIVGREY(质悟),独立设计师时尚配饰品牌。成立于二零一五年,由设计师 Ziv 和 George 共同创立。
ZIVGREY 的每一件作品,都来自灵感与美学的奇妙碰撞。从大自然中攫取生命形态的精妙奇迹,从现代城市中捕获几何力量的视觉冲击,从艺术创作中寻找最直击内心的深刻感动,ZIVGREY 藉由一群富有创造力的设计师团队之手,将稍纵即逝的美好雕琢成永恒的姿态,只为分享给热爱生活的你。
品牌首饰以银、K 金、珍珠、羽毛、宝石等自然珍宝为原料,甫以精美优良的品质和舒适亲肤的佩戴体验。