JUUNNGLE LAB洲谷是来自中国的配饰设计师品牌,钟情于精湛的金属工艺和持久的美感,擅长清冷感和中性风的设计作品,有着温柔细腻也有自在的反叛,沉静又张扬,刚柔并济,作品的许多灵感与自然哲学和人文主义相关联,在反差中营造出有趣的氛围。


JUUNNGLE LAB is an accessory designer brand from China. It is fond of exquisite metal craftsmanship and lasting beauty. It is good at cool and neutral design works. It has gentle, delicate and comfortable rebellions. It is quiet and publicized. It combines hardness and softness. Many of the inspiration of the works are associated with natural philosophy and humanism, creating an interesting atmosphere in the contrast.