2017 年香港設計師歐智業和上海設計師花毅在香港共同創立 CHAPITRE À 時裝品牌。旨在創造沒有界限帶有現代感

和前衛精神的摩登時裝。CHAPITRE À 自 2017 年成立以來,圍繞著中世紀古老傳說。每一季系列都運用精緻的細節和誇張的輪廓去敍述表現一個有趣的故事。新一季的設計靈感來源於海盜大戰怪獸的故事。融入了 18世紀海盜的設計細節,使用綁帶將裁片固定;并運用刺繡

將故事組合成有趣的立體卡通圖案;彩色條的加入使整個系列帶有運動感。CHAPITRE À 獨特的敍事視角,創造出看似時髦、簡約卻


Established since 2017, CHAPITRE À is a unisex brand with herstories that revolve around the ancient legends from the

medieval Europe. In each season, the CHAPITRE À story is revealed through exquisite details and unique tailoring

techniques. With emphasizes on the interaction of natural energy and romance, and through using subtle colours and delicate details that are fused with unique silhouette to reflect elegance and yet a casual state, that marks the aesthetics of CHAPITRE À design. CHAPITRE À’s unique narrative perspective creates a seemingly modern, simple but young and energetic design philosophy that makes the collection distinctive.