JC ROOM 极盒契  所属杭州易诚品牌运营管理有限公司,在时尚领域敢为先锋。 从世界各地网罗了众多的设计师品牌产品,从服饰、鞋履、箱包、绿植、红酒、家具等等,每一个品牌都有自己的坚持,每一个产品都有自己的故事,他们正在等待着有“共鸣感”的人到来 。






JC Room is affiliated to Hangzhou Yicheng Brand Operation and Management Co., Ltd., which is a pioneer in the fashion field. Products from many designer brands from all over the world are collected, from clothing, shoes, bags, plants, red wine, furniture, etc. Each brand has its own insistence, each product has its own story, and they are waiting for people with a "resonance feeling" to come. What is displayed here is not only fashion products, but also aesthetic services, and the concept of future lifestyle guidance. It is not just a traditional sales platform or designer brand space, but a "five-sense experience" retail terminal new model that integrates fashion, design, art, technology and life. Therefore, in terms of selection, JC Room is not limited to one style. Like space design, it chooses fusion and collision of multiple faces, and various types of fashion products such as cool, sexy, gentle, elegant, urban, simple, etc. can be found here.                          Fashion is an attitude, art is an expression, and business is a way. Using the expression of art to attract people's attention to the attitude of fashion, using the business way to continue the attitude of fashion and the expression of art, and form a cultural existence of the public.