GENZERO创立于2020年,是主张青年原创与个性的中国帽饰品牌。从上海出发,开设全国线下最大的帽饰体验店。我们从Z世代文化中提炼出随性的表达方式,将解构、拼接、破坏、涂鸦等元素作为品牌的设计重心。用社会、自然问题作媒介,持续影响青年群体,从「头」开始 赋予帽饰新的生命力。


Genzero, founded in 2020, is a Chinese hat decoration brand advocating youth originality and individuality. Start from Shanghai and open the largest offline hat decoration experience store in China. We extract the casual expression from the culture of generation Z, and take deconstruction, splicing, destruction, graffiti and other elements as the design focus of the brand. With social and natural issues as the media, it continues to influence the youth group, and endows the hat decoration with new vitality from the "head"