SIMONGAO 融合全球先锋的当代艺术,文化,音乐等截然不同的元素,追求变革和创新,在设计作品中结合典雅且极具前卫冲击力的强势风格,干净利落的剪裁,搭配软硬材质的对比和高级时装面料与打破常规的新型材质的拼接,创造出现代感十足的廓形,超现实的先锋摩登华丽感,将个性自由、不羁表现的淋漓尽致,展现出一个极具独立个性魅力及充满力量感的女权主义形象。SIMONGAO的标识性处理如边沿的缝合,胶印,拉链及金属配件,车线等都具有强烈的标识性,体积感的短夹克,宽松剪裁的阔腿裤装等都是 SIMONGAO极具特色备受追捧的经典时髦单品。

SIMONGAO is designed based on calm and exquisite style characterized by oriental wisdom. With a presentation of avant-garde elements and tailoring pattern, it conveys a dressing concept of androgyny teamed up with sports elements. It reflects aesthetic line of human body, and harmony between clothing, comfort and temperament so as to create distinctive contemporary popular fashions.